by Mike Klingle
An In-Depth Three Part "Attraction Marketing" Class Certain To Move Your Business Forward Fast...
"How I Built My First List of 1,172 ProspectsIn 3 Days Without Expensive Pay-Per-ClickAds Or Complicated Search Engine Tactics...And How You Can "Copy Cat" My Steps...Even If You're A "Newbie" (Like I Was) AndYou Don't Have The Slightest Idea Where ToBegin"
-Mike Klingler
Learn How 72 Frustrated Network Marketers Who Knew Zilch About The Internet Had Prospects Coming To Them Within Two Weeks Of Going Through This Unique "Training Wheels" Approach...
-Message from Mike Klingler about how this class was created (and the result):
Dear Overwhelmed Network Marketer,
After 14 years in network marketing, I had tried nearly everything to help my team and clients succeed.
But I was looking in all the wrong directions!
From coaching people on how to cold call... teaching alongside Dani Johnson and other industry leaders... doing home and hotel meetings... organizing a $50,000/mo Internet Ad Co-op (which I maintained for nearly 2 years)... spending $20,000/mo on TV advertising to create "better" leads for our group... to brokering deals with lead generation companies to buy leads in bulk and provide them to my team at wholesale cost...
I was working much harder on helping others succeed than I was on my own business.
It became an obsession.
I believed that by helping others succeed I would reach my goals... and I put my heart, money and hard work into this philosophy.
But after 14 years of that commitment, all I continued to see was that the vast majority of hard working and committed people were still struggling (in my own team as well as those I met at the big events around the country) -- I had enough of it.
In 2006, I Knew Nothing About Attraction Marketing
I knew plenty about wasting money... I'd been running massively expensive TV commercials, fax blasts, early forms of internet ads, and basically every other type of marketing method you can think of since 1996.
But attracting quality leads for free... that sounded like a bunch of hogwash.
Now I know different. Comparing the two methods (chasing people vs. getting them to come to you) is like comparing a 1,000 mile road trip on horse back (without a saddle) vs. flying first class on a 737 Jetliner.
It's that big of a difference.
It wasn't until 2007 that I finally started to "get it."
That's when the right people, materials, emails and books were placed in front of me. That's when I started to open my mind to all this "attraction marketing" stuff and became eager to learn how to generate INTERESTED leads for free so I could then teach it to my team & clients.
It didn't take long.
In fact, once I figured out my game plan, it took me just 3 days to generate my first list of over 1,000 (1,172 to be exact).
I still have that list saved in my computer. It's like a dollar bill you see taped on the wall inside a small mom and pop store---their first dollar. Well, that's how I feel about my first list.
My first list continued to grow... and it still produces new sales and income for me to this day.
I wanted to teach this to my group. I had to find out...
Could THEY Really Do This? CLICK HERE NOW... for more information!
Most of my clients and team members were baby boomers and literally FEARED the Internet.
But I decided to do a training much like the one I'm going to be doing for you on Tuesday. I would start by sharing with them what I just did and demonstrate what made it work... Break it down into bite-sized pieces like I would have liked someone to have done for me. Then, give them a plan they could follow click-by-click.
Within two weeks of this, I was absolutely blown away by the result.
People who were computer illiterate, who couldn't even get online without someone else helping them, were generating their own leads-some were being approached by extremely high quality prospects (back in the day we called this "recruiting up": going for people who were already highly successful and that one might think would be out of your league).
These people already knew their name and were asking for more information!
I was shocked. They were as excited as I was, of course. You could hear it in their voices...
"Mike, I'm Getting Calls From People!Now What Do I Do?!"
I knew they still had more to learn but we had removed the #1 hurdle in business. A road block that had stopped people cold in their tracks, causing them years of struggle and tons of wasted money on leads, advertising, sales materials and personal development trainings (all because they thought their failure was "their fault").
Well, within 2 weeks we had broken that barrier. It was simply amazing. Interested people were coming to them and best of all, it didn't have to cost anything.
It all started with that first introduction, which will now be available to you in this special three-part class series.
Learning How To Do This Is Fun & NaturalWhen You're Given "Real World" ExamplesYou Can Relate To... And When You'reAble To Just Be Yourself
After that "experiment," I knew I wanted to teach this to the industry and leave the old model of network marketing in the dust (right along with the horse & buggy).
If you've been wondering where to start, this training has proven to be a powerful first step.
This is nearly identical to the first training I did for my clients and team (but only better because it is far more thorough and updated).
Here's what you get...
"How I Built My First List of 1172 Prospects Within 3 Days (As A 'Newbie')"
1.5 Hour Webinar with Powerpoint Slides
Chapter 1 - First, why build a list?
Chapter 2 - What's the difference between attracting your own leads vs. buying a lead?
Chapter 3 - How your list generates sales & enrollments.
Chapter 4 - How I built my first list of 1172 Prospects within 3 days in EXACT detail.
In this class you'll learn how to find free "list-getting" opportunities online that most marketers never think of. You don't have to spend a fortune on ads to build a huge list.
Then, the next class in the series...
"How To Apply What I Did But In Your Business"
1.5 Hour Webinar with Powerpoint Slides
Chapter 1 - I'll expand upon what was covered in the first class but give specific examples on how you can "Copy" what I did to generate an abundance of leads for YOUR business, but so that it is unique to your products & services (that's the true power of this course).
Chapter 2 - What tools you need to do all this (it's practically free)!
In class 3 of the series...
"Why YOU Already Are An Expert: How to Turn Your Knowledge Into a Valuable Commodity That Attracts People Onto Your List"
1.5 Hour Webinar with Powerpoint Slides
Most people I've taught have no idea that they don't need to have a polished image or tons of credentials like many of the "gurus" you see online. Your greatest asset is being yourself.
In this event I'll show you how to recognize specific value YOU can offer to attract people.
I'll be giving you lots more real-world examples to make sure you reach this breakthrough "ah ha" moment.
Because whether you're a Single Parent, Retired Police Officer, Mechanic, Hair Dresser, Stay At Home Mom, College Drop Out, Computer Geek, Computer Illiterate, Retired Senior, Generation X'er, Baby Boomer, a recent casualty of the economy -or ANYONE ELSE-you can take what you already know and draw upon your personal experiences and things you enjoy doing to turn it into real value that will attract prospects endlessly, while making more true friendships than you could ever imagine!
This will work for any business, network marketing or otherwise... that needs clients, customers, leads or prospects. It will work for any type of product, service or opportunity.
For each class you will receive the digital recordings, as well as the original power point slides so that you can go back to them anytime you want.
Who Is This Class For?
Anyone who wants to build their business online but doesn't know where to get started. A list of qualified prospects is the most important factor you need to make money online. This class will show you how to build one fast. *You'll learn how to leverage your personality, uniqueness and situation to attract leads (ie - people) who are like you and are interested in the things you can offer them.
Anyone who is currently making money with their business but is looking for more free ways to add prospects to their list. In this class, you'll learn where to find hidden list-building opportunities that are completely overlooked by most marketers.
How Much Trial And Error Will You
Have To Go Through Learning How
To Build A List On Your Own?
These are the very same strategies I've taught to thousands of others - many of them in my own downline who have since gone on to quit their full time jobs and live the true entrepreneur lifestyle.
You can put these methods to work almost instantly to experience an immediate influx of prospects and customers.
Let me help you put together your first list and you'll see for yourself.
I could have easily priced this package at a couple hundred dollars but if you pick your copy up today it's yours for only $97.
Just click here to register.
Once you're armed with this knowledge, you'll be able to generate thousands of targeted prospects for your business... forever.
Zero Risk, Try It And See For Yourself Guarantee
If you're not 100% convinced that the 'How I Built My First List' series of classes eliminates all the turmoil and guesswork about how to grow your business... and removes all the mystery about "what to do next," while showing you how to sell more of your particular products and sponsor more people into your opportunity...
Just send an email to our support desk for a prompt and courteous 100% refund on the spot - no questions asked.
You have a full month to see if this class is everything I say it is (well, it's a lot more but I like to "under promise and over deliver" as they say).
You have nothing to lose and a real business to gain.
Just fill out the secure order form (CLICK HERE) and you'll receive immediate access to all the classes.
Partners in Success,
Mike Klingler