The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing
For years, the only people that
had access to industry secrets
on how to succeed at network
marketing were a small group
of marketers who used these
ideas to build humongous
MLM organizations -- without
all the tedious "Grunt work"
everyone else was being taught to do.
Now, for the first time ever, the playing field has been
leveled, and these industry secrets are being made
available to the public...
"If You're One Of The Few Network Marketers Left Who's Still
Making Names Lists And Cold Calling Dead-Beat Opportunity
Leads... How Do You Plan To Keep Up With Those Who Have
Learned How To Get Hundreds - Even Thousands - Of
Pre-Sold Prospects To Come To Them (Without Having To
Spend Hours On The Phone Or Attend A Hotel Meeting)?"
Ever since I discovered the concept of "attraction marketing,"
I've become a student again, constantly studying e-book after
e-book to gain valuable information to pass on to others. I ran
across a book: Ann Seig's 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing,
and I just can’t wait to share her ideas with you. This book
lists some of the biggest myths of network marketing, and
be sharing some of these myths with you over the next few
months, in hopes that they may change the way you do business.
Let me ask you four questions...
and be honest when you answer them.
1. Do you despise bugging your family,
your friends and people who are just
praying that you won't bring up your
"business" opportunity?
2. Are you tired of hounding prospects
that you know couldn't care less about
your business?
3. Are you sick of being told to "Just
do more of it!" when it's obvious that
what you're supposed to be doing more
of never worked in the first place?
4. Have you been hard at it for months
(even years) without seeing any real,
significant results? (Some in our industry
would call this "delayed gratification,"
but I've got a different word for it ...)
If you went through this list of questions and answered, "yes" to one or more of them... you need to pay very careful
attention to every word in Ann Sieg’s Book…
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