Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Network Marketing University Professor

Hi, my name is Harry and I’d like to help you make sense out of network marketing.

When I retired from teaching and moved to Arizona, I had enough income to meet the day-to-day financial needs for my family, however, with the recent economic upheaval, I didn't have any "discretionary" income for extras. Like vacationing with our grandchildren, taking that "dream" cruise, having extra money for our favorite charities, purchasing a second car, or adding a room onto our home, to care for parents.

You see, I had needs and I had wants. Some were practical, some were selfish, and some were very generous.

I joined another MLM company about two years ago and did everything my up-line told me to do.

- I wrote my list of names of friends, family, acquaintances and people I kind of, maybe knew.

- I attended all the training sessions and meetings.

- I listened to the motivational CD's, at home and in the car
I did all the preparation and I was ready to build my network marketing empire!

I signed-up my Brother, and we went to the National Convention in Saint Louise. What could be better? Now we had all the tools, the motivation and the will to succed in this business.

Well, you’ve heard of the “Rise and fall of the Roman Empire”!

Well, our empire didn't rise very far before it fell. The first few months were sensational; I sponsored some friends and family. I held “travel parties” and everyone said they liked our business ideas.

Then I got my first check! Wow, now I knew this was for real.

Then things started to slow down - no one was buying from me, people started avoiding me.

What was happening - why don't people want to talk to me anymore?

My products were great; my company had a solid foundation and a fair marketing plan - what was wrong? Was it something I did or didn't do?

I talked to my up-line - their reply was - "Smith, keep going - you're doing great"; "It's a numbers game, Come on Smith, you'll get there"; "Go back to your list and keep sending out the Success Magazine".

Well, it wasn't working! - Whenever I looked at the telephone I would break out in a cold sweat - no one wanted to talk to me - I felt like a failure.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I did all the things my up-line asked me to do. I even tried things that seemed unreasonable to my up-line. Like creating a personal webpage and driving traffic to my page using google adWords.

Now my question was...

Where was the construction crew that was supposed to be building my room-addition?

HOW come I wasn't booking a trip - 1st class all the way?

HOW come my bank balance doesn't have six zeros on the end of it?

I knew I was an intelligent, successful, educated man. I had worked in the field of Education for over 35 years and owned my own Commercial Printing Businesses. I was good at building relationships with customers and I didn’t have a fear of speaking in front of people. So, why was my MLM business falling apart?

There had to be a better way of doing this and I don't give up easily.

So, I hit the Internet - big time - I can now Google with the best of them.

I have spent countless hours trolling through websites to discover how the heavy hitters of MLM do it.

I downloaded countless e-books and started reading, reading and more reading.

I needed to find out how I could effectively build my network marketing business in a truly professional manner.

We all have a WHY, what we need to know is the HOW.

And this is what my website is all about

- HOW to reach your potential in network marketing and move beyound the old-fashioned tactics.

- HOW to attract highly qualified new prospects. Not cold market but HOT prospects.

- HOW to drive high quality traffic to your website using free and paid methods.

- HOW to set up your own lead generation system that highly qualified prospects will stream to.

- HOW to find all the resources you need, without wasting countless hours searching all over the web for them.

- HOW to turn your website into another income stream.

-HOW to make money from Affiliates

- HOW to get your MLM or network marketing business organized and structured so you are the one running it - not the tail wagging the dog.

The information contained in this website is not just for professional network marketers, but for individuals who are new at operating a home business.

Check back often, and look at the Renegade Marketing System; it may be the answer to your prospecting needs, just as it was to mine.

See you at the top,

Harry M Smith

P.S. Also find me at:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Renegade Network Marketer, by Ann Sieg

For The Past 50 Years, The Only People Who've Had Access To These Advanced Downline Building Secrets Was A Small, Closed-Door Group Of Marketers (With A LOT Of Cash) Who Used Them To Build Sprawling MLM Organizations -- Without All The Tedious "Grunt Work" Everyone Else Was Being Taught To Do. Now, For The First Time Ever, The Playing Field Has Been Leveled And They're Being Made Available To The Public...


"If You're One Of The Few Network Marketers Left Who's Still Making Names Lists And Cold Calling Dead-Beat Opportunity Leads... How Do You Plan To Keep Up With Those Who Have Learned How To Get Hundreds - Even Thousands - Of Pre-Sold Prospects To Come To Them (Without Having To Spend Hours On The Phone Or Attend Even A Single Hotel Meeting)?"


Email Deliverability Tips

by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)

Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically affected by as much as 20-30% due to incorrect spam filter classification.


Confirming that the people who ask for your information have actually requested to be on your list is the number one step in the battle for deliverability. You should be using a process called confirmed opt-in or verified opt-in to send a unique link to the attempted subscriber when they request information. Before adding the person to your list they must click that unique link verifying that they are indeed the same person that owns the email address and requested to subscribe.

Subscriber Addresses

When requesting website visitors to opt-in, ask for their “real” or “primary” email address instead of a free email address like Yahoo or Hotmail. Free emails tend to be throw away accounts and typically have a shorter lifetime than a primary ISP address.

List Maintenance

Always promptly remove undeliverable addresses that bounce when sending email to them. An address that bounces with a permanent error 2-3 times in a 30 day period should be removed from the list. ISP’s track what percentage of your newsletters bounce and will block them if you attempt to continually deliver messages to closed subscriber mailboxes.

Message Format

Usage of HTML messages to allow for text formatting, multiple columns, images, and brand recognition is growing in popularity and is widely supported by most email client software. Most spam is also HTML formatted and thus differentiating between requested email and spam HTML messages can be difficult. A 2004 study by AWeber .com shows that plain text messages are undeliverable 1.15% of the time and HTML only messages were undeliverable 2.3%. If sending HTML it is important to always send a plain text alternative message, also called text/HTML multi-part mime format.


Many ISP’s filter based on the content that appears within the message text.

Website URL:

Research potential newsletter advertisers, before allowing them to place ads in your newsletter issues. If they have used their website URL to send spam, just having their URL appear in your newsletter could cause the entire message to be filtered.


Choose your language carefully when crafting messages. Avoid hot button topics often found in spam such as medication, mortgages, making money, and pornography. If you do need to use words that might be filtered, don’t attempt to obfuscate words with extra characters or odd spelling, you’ll just make your messages appear more spam like.


Avoid creating messages that are entirely images. Use images sparingly, if at all. Commonly used open rate tracking technology uses images to calculate opens. You may choose to disable open rate tracking to avoid being filtered based on image content.


With viruses running rampant and spreading thru the usage of malicious email attachments many users are wary of attached documents. It’s often better to link to files via a website URL to reduce recipient fear of attachments and reduce the overall message size.

CAN-SPAM Compliance

The January 2004 Federal CAN-SPAM law introduced a number of rules regarding the delivery of email. It’s important you have your legal counsel review your practices and ensure you are in compliance. The two most important rules include having a valid postal mail address listed in all commercial messages and a working unsubscribe link that is promptly honored to remove the subscriber from future messages.


Reputation services are often used by large ISP’s as a way to vet email senders regarding their email practices and policies. Businesses listed with these services are then given less stringent filtering or no filtering at all. Several reputation services are:

Relationships & White-listing

Contact with major ISP’s and email providers is essential in letting them know about your requested subscriber email. Many large providers such as AOL and Yahoo have specific white-listing programs and postmaster website areas to ensure your email is delivered as long as you meet their policies and procedures in handling your opt-in list.

Email deliverability is about ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to the intended recipient. While no single tip will enable you to get 100% of your email delivered each one utilized as a group can go a long way to reaching that goal.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Seeing the Big Picture of Online Marketing

Seeing the Big Picture of Online Marketing
(c) Charlie Page
Do you find the idea of doing business online confusing?

Most people do, and that's understandable.

The fact is, nothing in our "offline" life prepares us to do business online.

Offline we are used to seeing customers or talking with them by phone.

Online we don't do that.

Offline we cannot automate a sales process so that selling messages go out week after week with no effort.

You can do that online (I'll show you how)

And offline we don't have confusing terms like "solo ad" or "autoresponder" or "ad tracker" to deal with.

Online there seems to be a whole new vocabulary to learn, and new skills to learn too.

But there is GOOD NEWS today!

You can make sense of doing business online and end the confusion if you can catch a glimpse of one thing.

If you can see this one thing you will quickly become well prepared to succeed online.

If you lose sight of this one thing you will spin into a cycle of confusion and disappointment.

What is the one thing?

* * * It's the BIG picture! * * *

My goal today is to OVERVIEW what you need without going into very much depth about any one topic. You just need to get these things into your vocabulary.

We will go deep on each of these topics over the coming weeks in this very ezine.

I like things simple so I've listed the five things you need to succeed online.

Just the basics. But the basics, done well, will take you higher than you ever dreamed imaginable. They have for me.

I call these the ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to success.


This is called a "market". A market is really just a group of people who have something in common.

* Maybe they like to play golf
* Maybe they like to cook
* Maybe they like to make money or save money
* Maybe they want to start an online business

It doesn't matter what they want. But what DOES matteris this.

1. Is the group large?
2. Will the group spend money?

There ARE ways to quickly and easily identify markets that will be profitable for you, and I will share those in this ezine.


Once you find the group you need to find (or create) a product they will buy.

It's actually easier than you might think. The key is to discover what they are buying now. If they are buying now they will buy what you offer.

A great way to find out what people want to buy is to ask. I'll show you how to do that.


Ah, advertising. It really is what makes the Internet go round. If you don't believe me just ask Google. Theydon't sell all that ad space for nothing ... they do it for the money!

You will HAVE to advertise to succeed online. Happily, you will not have to go broke doing it.

The three best ways to get started advertising online are these:

1. Article marketing
2. Pay per click advertising
3. Ezine advertising

There are many more methods available to you but if you faithfully use those three you will be happily surprised how well they work.

I will teach you how to do all three of those, and more.


Do you need a website of your own? Yes you do.

But the good news is that creating a website is not the headache it used to be.

Using online services, templates and simple software you can create a beautiful and effective website quickly. I'll show you how.

HINT: Start gathering what you want to say on your site NOW and not later. Far too many have created a website and then struggled to put words on that site.


The wonderful thing about the Internet is that you can Leverage your time like nobody's business.

Online you can literally do work one time - likewriting this article - and have that work pay dividendsfor years to come.

Years? Yes! I've been doing this 10 years now and some of my articles have been online almost all of that time!

So there you have it ... five things you must do and know about in order to succeed online.

If you sell as an affiliate or part of a program you will need to focus primarily on the advertising part,but eventually you will need them all.

I hope this clears up some confusion for you and look forward to sharing with you from my experience the specific ways you can use these essential elements to your advantage.


Charlie Page helps people succeed online with products that educate combined with personal support. To see all that Charlie offers, including a chance to work with him personally, Click Here Now. or visit ...


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sick of Chasing Down Prospects?


Who else is sick of chasing down prospects and harassing relatives?


I’ve examined everything that we’ve been told about how to run a typical MLM business. I’m convinced that we’ve been doing it wrong for all these years. I’m also convinced that much of the training that we’ve been getting from MLM companies has been faulty information. Let me explain why. We have been told that anyone can do this business. That you don’t have to SELL the product, you just SHOW the product. It’s all about numbers, just talk to everyone within 3 feet, and at least one in ten will see it, and want to get in. Go ahead and corner every one that you know and twist their arm until they finally agree to join you in your business. If you aren’t doing very well, it’s because you don’t have a big enough WHY. Or, you’re not trying hard enough. Or, better yet, You just don’t have enough belief. Well, I’ve had enough.

If we were starting a REAL business, we would make sure that we know all about Marketing, and we would certainly want to have a proven sales system. We would need a consistent supply of hungry customers that were attracted to us, and we would need to monetize our system of prospecting.

I finally realized that we should only be spending our valuable time with the highest quality (truly interested) people. Prospecting is sifting and sorting through people to find the ones who are interested. But, the number of leads that we need to have coming into our business is impossible to achieve if we try to do all the “filtering” on an individual basis.

Doing it the old manual-labor (one-on-one, face-to-face) way is like using a typewriter to type out 7,000 letters, when you could be using a printing press.

I really think that a finely-tuned marketing system should do this sifting and sorting for us automatically. It should use the power of the internet to find only those people that have used Google or Yahoo to find a business opportunity. These are people that are truly interested.

The best part is… I’ve found out how to make this happen. Predictably and consistently, "round the clock." Every day when you wake up, you know it will produce new potential business partnerships for you to cultivate.

In the past, we’ve spent so much time prospecting, that we didn’t have time to sell. If we can implement an effective marketing system, we can spend twice as much time in front of interested people and literally double our results.

I’m also convinced that when our customers find us, instead of us finding them, their perception of us is totally different.


To see how this system works, look at the following list of resources:

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing:

Article Marketer:

The Directory of E-zines:

The Renegade Network Marketer:
