You see, I had needs and I had wants. Some were practical, some were selfish, and some were very generous.
I joined another MLM company about two years ago and did everything my up-line told me to do.
- I wrote my list of names of friends, family, acquaintances and people I kind of, maybe knew.
- I attended all the training sessions and meetings.
- I listened to the motivational CD's, at home and in the car
I did all the preparation and I was ready to build my network marketing empire!
I signed-up my Brother, and we went to the National Convention in Saint Louise. What could be better? Now we had all the tools, the motivation and the will to succed in this business.
Well, you’ve heard of the “Rise and fall of the Roman Empire”!
Well, our empire didn't rise very far before it fell. The first few months were sensational; I sponsored some friends and family. I held “travel parties” and everyone said they liked our business ideas.
Then I got my first check! Wow, now I knew this was for real.
Then things started to slow down - no one was buying from me, people started avoiding me.
What was happening - why don't people want to talk to me anymore?
My products were great; my company had a solid foundation and a fair marketing plan - what was wrong? Was it something I did or didn't do?
I talked to my up-line - their reply was - "Smith, keep going - you're doing great"; "It's a numbers game, Come on Smith, you'll get there"; "Go back to your list and keep sending out the Success Magazine".
Well, it wasn't working! - Whenever I looked at the telephone I would break out in a cold sweat - no one wanted to talk to me - I felt like a failure.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I did all the things my up-line asked me to do. I even tried things that seemed unreasonable to my up-line. Like creating a personal webpage and driving traffic to my page using google adWords.
Now my question was...
Where was the construction crew that was supposed to be building my room-addition?
HOW come I wasn't booking a trip - 1st class all the way?
HOW come my bank balance doesn't have six zeros on the end of it?
I knew I was an intelligent, successful, educated man. I had worked in the field of Education for over 35 years and owned my own Commercial Printing Businesses. I was good at building relationships with customers and I didn’t have a fear of speaking in front of people. So, why was my MLM business falling apart?
There had to be a better way of doing this and I don't give up easily.
So, I hit the Internet - big time - I can now Google with the best of them.
I have spent countless hours trolling through websites to discover how the heavy hitters of MLM do it.
I downloaded countless e-books and started reading, reading and more reading.
I needed to find out how I could effectively build my network marketing business in a truly professional manner.
We all have a WHY, what we need to know is the HOW.
And this is what my website is all about
- HOW to reach your potential in network marketing and move beyound the old-fashioned tactics.
- HOW to attract highly qualified new prospects. Not cold market but HOT prospects.
- HOW to drive high quality traffic to your website using free and paid methods.
- HOW to set up your own lead generation system that highly qualified prospects will stream to.
- HOW to find all the resources you need, without wasting countless hours searching all over the web for them.
- HOW to turn your website into another income stream.
-HOW to make money from Affiliates
- HOW to get your MLM or network marketing business organized and structured so you are the one running it - not the tail wagging the dog.
Check back often, and look at the Renegade Marketing System; it may be the answer to your prospecting needs, just as it was to mine.
See you at the top,
Harry M Smith
P.S. Also find me at: http://www.squidoo.com/marketing-10